RIP Sam Walker (Bright)

The club is devastated to report the sad passing of Samantha Walker, our former highly respected Facilities Manager at Hesketh Park, after a short illness.

Sam is the daughter of our chairman Harry Bright and Sandra Bright, one of our vice-presidents, and wife of long time playing member David Walker.

Sam’s forthright, friendly, and exuberant personality, and willingness to take on any task and face up to any challenge, touched the hearts of so many within and outside of the DCC community, that she will be very sorely missed by a very wide circle of people.

As a mark of our great respect for Sam, all our teams at their fixtures this coming weekend will wear black arm bands.

The club asks that all members and friends of DCC respect the need for privacy and that time be afforded the Bright/Walker families while they come to terms with Sam’s passing.

Neil Wilson

Club President

On behalf of Dartford Cricket Club Management Committee